Sunday, June 12, 2005

Matt Blunt Hires Qualified Person; Opponents Outraged

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch throws a splashy story about Matt Blunt on its first page, above the fold, today: Under Blunt, Insurance Dept. changes.

I think the gist of the story is that Matt Blunt did something, and his opponents didn't like it. But the unnamed advocates criticism seems a little disingenuous:
Blunt named an insurance company owner, chosen in part by the industry, to regulate the industry.
So Matt Blunt named someone who has worked in the industry and knows something about the industry as the head of the government entity that covers that industry. Shut your mouth! Perhaps he should have tapped a waiter to do it.

Actually, I think some opponents would have hated any choice Blunt made unless it was another of the permaruler class of people whose only professions have been advocacy, think tank, or government work--and only if that nominee were against the industry he or she was supposed to regulate. Because those sorts of people, who unfortunately comprise a lot of government, know that a good regulator is one who regulates. A lot.


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