Sunday, October 30, 2005

Matt Blunt: Puppet of Right Wing Christians?

Apparently not. Matt Blunt:
"Because I seek to make the right decisions, and because the relief of suffering is among our most basic values, I consulted my faith, conscience and the Scripture in considering medical research on new treatments and cures for terrible diseases,” Blunt told Missouri Baptists. “I support a ban on human cloning. Like this convention, I support research on stem cells from adult tissue. I believe that public dollars should support research with adult stem cells. As to SCNT -– somatic cell nuclear transfer -– I do not believe that life has been created, since there is no fertilized egg. If I believed the process created life, I would oppose it."
Richard Land:
Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, criticized Blunt's position, saying the governor is trying to play "word games" by using phrases that few understand.

"An embryo is a fertilized egg, period," Land told the Missouri Pathway newspaper in June. "The only difference between you and me and a fertilized egg is time."
If I am not mistaken, according to the scriptures, the difference between you and me and ashes and dust is time, too, but that's hardly a reasonable argument against dusting and vacuuming it. Believe me, I've tried it.


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