Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Matt Blunt Not Worried About Approval Rating

Gov. Blunt isn't troubled by survey showing low approval rating:
Despite earning some big political wins on many of his top priorities, Gov. Matt Blunt's popularity is slumping. Blunt accomplished many of his goals during his first legislative session as governor, but not without some controversy.

A new poll by SurveyUSA is not good news for the governor. It surveyed each governor's approval rating in all 50 states and found that Blunt falls at the bottom of the list.

The poll found that only about a third of the 600 Missouri voters surveyed approve of the job that Blunt is doing, with a staggering 57 percent disapproving. That’s one of the lowest approval ratings in the nation. Only two governors received lower marks.

"There are a lot of problems with that polling service, but I don't pay attention to those type of polling numbers. It's certainly different than numbers I've seen," said Blunt, in a recent interview.

The governor calls the poll flawed because it’s done by an automated computer -- not a real person.
It's good to see that the Governor is making the hard decisions without his finger in the wind.

But not all "Republicans" are happy:
Republican Dewayne Long enthusiastically voted for Blunt last fall, but now "I have some reservations," he said.

Long says he agrees with much of what the governor has done, but thinks the governor overreached on cuts to Medicaid.

"I've talked to a number of Republicans who have not been happy with the first six to eight months of the Blunt term," said Long.
Of course, although KYTV does not identify Dewayne Long's profession, we here at DMB2008 suspect he might be the Executive Director of National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Southwest Missouri. In this case, one suspects that the medicaid cuts directly impact his profession, and that he's not just joe Republican as presented by KYTV.


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