Monday, June 13, 2005

The Matt Blunt Conundrum Causes Opponents' Worldview to Collapse

Matt Blunt seemingly is a paradox that could cause the universe to implode. Look at the facts:
  • He ordered a state historic site to fly the Confederate flag at a Confederate soldiers memorial:
    Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt's decision to allow the Confederate battle flag to fly last week at a state historic site re-ignited a decades-old controversy that still splits Americans along geographical, political, cultural and racial lines.
  • His tightest advisor in the St. Louis area is black:
    Hunter is getting more than the usual attention accorded a governor's go-to people for a key reason: He's a Republican who is also African-American. As such, that puts Hunter at political odds with most of the region's prominent African-American officials and civic leaders, who generally are Democrats.

    "Jerry is just one of a handful of Republicans who are African-American," said Mike Roberts, a businessman and former Democratic city alderman who attends the same Episcopal church as the Hunters.
Perhaps Matt Blunt is cynically exploiting the man in St. Louis, or perhaps he believes, as we at DMB2008 think he does, that the Confederate flag is not semaphore for a racial epithet.


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