Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Matt Blunt Balances Budget on Backs of Landlords

Blunt Attacks Wasteful Spending Policies: Leasing Consolidation Banks More Than $1 Million:
"Missouri taxpayers should be offended. Their hard-earned tax dollars were being thrown away on expensive leases while perfectly good state-owned space went underutilized and even sat vacant," Blunt said. "We are making responsible changes to deliver Missourians the efficient, effective and responsible state government they deserve but have been denied in recent years."

Under Blunt's guidance, Office of Administration (OA) Commissioner Mike Keathley has implemented dramatic changes that will save taxpayers from wasteful spending and could add up to millions of dollars in savings over time.
One more example of how Matt Blunt is trying to kill the state economy by keeping tax money from flowing. Instead, he's working to leave Missouri taxpayers to spend the money as they see fit, and everyone knows that individuals waste their money on frivolous things, like food, housing, shelter, savings, and entertainment.


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