Wednesday, November 02, 2005

St. Louis Post-Dispatch's Bill McClellan Endorses Matt Blunt

Sort of:'s possible that Matt Blunt could someday be president.

He was governor at 34. If he is re-elected in 2008, he will be 38 when he starts his second term. He would then have to look around at the political landscape. If he thinks he can get the second spot on the ticket in 2012 - when he will be a 42-year-old two-term governor of a swing state - he can serve out his term. If he is not so sure about grabbing a spot on the ticket when he leaves the statehouse, he can run for the U.S. Senate in 2010 when Kit Bond, who will then be 71, is expected to retire. Blunt would run for the Senate as a sitting governor. He would be 40.
Well, not exactly, but although we at DMB 2008 are not journalists, we can take a soundbite out of context and run with it.

Bill McClellan then goes on to list Matt Blunt's accomplishments as governor, but he casts them in a negative light as one might expect. Smothering poor people, stealing cars for big business, whatever.

McClellan's scenarios, though, are too conservative for our taste (this sentence marks the first ever to include the words McClellan and too conservative); we would prefer, as you might expect, to see Matt Blunt president in 2009.


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